About Me
I'm an experienced Product Designer and manager with a passion for simplifying complexities in order to bring intuitive, user-centric, and delightful experiences into the world. I have been fortunate to hone my skills by working across Fortune 500, startups, fintech, utility systems, biotech, hi-fi audio, and even making furniture.

Recently, I’ve lead the design of multiple complex digital softwares from 0-1 and beyond. Simultaneously, I built a design team, started our design operations practice, mentored EPD and exec teams, and formalized our design recruiting practices.  I strive for excellence both as an IC and manager, and believe that continuous growth and learning is key for professionals at any stage.
Great products satisfy user needs, do it simply, and with delight. Behind such products exist teams of user-centric, business minded, and technically savvy individuals who communicate radically, challenge and support one another, and strive towards a north star goal. This is where magic happens!
My passions outside of design lie in electronic music production, DJing, and running an independent record label. I love spending time in Ableton Live, gathering field recordings, and collecting and mixing vinyl records.